Olive oil is commonly used as a food mixture. But not only that, olive oil also has various benefits for pregnant women who love to miss.
Olive oil contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that the body needs, such as vitamin B, vitamin E, and zinc. The content of olive oil is beneficial for treating skin, overcoming migraines, treating heart disease, and stroke.
Various Benefits of Olive Oil
Some of the benefits of olive oil for pregnant women are:Disguise stretch marks
Stretch marks are conditions that appear reddish strokes on the abdomen, upper arms, thighs, or buttocks, which are common during pregnancy. Stretch marks are usually caused by stretching of the skin due to weight gain. To disguise stretch marks, the content of vitamin E in olive oil can help fade stretch marks.
Caring for dry skin
One of the physical changes that a pregnant woman might feel is dry skin, which is caused by hormonal changes. To overcome this, pregnant women can use a moisturizer that contains olive oil. By routinely using a moisturizer made from olive oil, pregnant women will avoid dry skin.
Remove head lice
Head lice in pregnant women can be eradicated using olive oil. Mix 15-20 drops of essential oil with 4 tablespoons of olive oil. Spread evenly onto the scalp and hair, then wrap the head with a shower cap and leave until morning. After that, wash your hair with shampoo until it's clean. Pregnant women can do this every three days until the lice are completely gone.
Relieve leg cramps
Leg cramps in pregnant women is a natural thing. This is usually caused by weight gain, resulting in pressure on the blood vessels. To ease the leg cramps that Pregnant women feel, use olive oil as a rubbing oil. The trick is to mix 6 teaspoons of olive oil with 15 drops of essential oil (lavender or camomile oil). After that, apply oil to the legs that have cramps.
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